chapter 18 Jack is officially going into the steam tower.He was nervous about going into the steam tower.
He just saw a rat. Jack thought maybe there is someone else in the steam tunnel who like watermelon gum who knew how to get in. Jacks thoughts were what if there is a weirdo down there like a murderer.Jack said" he has to find a way out".Jack thinks he is under a street. Jack see a light could he be out of the steemtunnel.
chapter 19
Jack now knows why thay call it a steam tunell. jack sees more light.Jack saw aa man a bookcase a cat and a table.The man knows jacks dad and he lives in the steam tunnel. jack is coming with the man now to get out.
Chapter 20
Jack got out he saw his dad he was wondering what he is going to say to his dad. Jacks dad was worried sick. Jacks dad figured out were he was. Jack told him about the man an he said we better get home now.
chapter 21
Jack him a story about that manack thought he did some thing wrong about telling him the man in the steam tunnel. John was happy he was about to tell.It was about when john was in war.Now jack and jacks dad ara getting to know each other.
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